📄️ Overview
🗃️ Filters
2 items
📄️ Settings
This tab contains main options and those groups of options that didn't get their own screen.
🗃️ Visibility
2 items
🗃️ Regions
5 items
🗃️ Database
5 items
📄️ Actions
In this tab you can choose what actions should be performed on click on a Region, Marker and Directory item.
📄️ Colors
This tab contains color settings. When you click on a field - a color
📄️ CSS
Style your views and MapSVG itself any way you like!
📄️ Details View
There are 3 types of pop-up windows in MapSVG that can be used to show your custom content: Tooltips, Popovers, Details view.
📄️ Directory
Directory is a a clickable list of objects that is shown near you map.
📄️ Google Maps
In this tab you can enable Google Maps. If you use one of the geo-calibrated maps - you can overlay them on the Google Map. Positioning is done automatically by MapSVG.
📄️ JavaScript
Create custom event handlers that add any functionality that you need.
📄️ Templates
With templates you can create custom views that show your DB Objects, or Regions.