🐞 Fixes
- Zoom: Fixed issues with zoom & centering the map on cursor pointer on zoom
🚀 Features / Improvements
- Dynamic Region Labels: Labels now dynamically show or hide during zoom. If a label is larger than the region, it gets hidden. If it fits within the region, it displays.
- Precise Label Placement: Labels on the world.svg map are now positioned at the visual center of countries, ensuring better accuracy compared to the bounding box center, which previously placed some labels - outside of the country.
- Enhanced Popover Positioning: Popovers now appear directly above region labels and are also centered visually within countries for more accurate placement, solving previous issues where popovers appeared outside of regions.
- Smoother Popover Animations: Popover animations are now smoother during zoom interactions.
If you use world.svg
map with Region labels, and you want to update their positions, you need to reload your SVG file: Map Editor / Settings / File / Reload (keep current titles)
Check out these improvements in the video below:
🐞 Fixes
- Region Selection Bug: Fixed issues with region selection when the details view is active.
8.4.1 - 8.4.22
🚀 Features / Improvements
- Add ID of the object to the URL
- Show details/select marker by ID of the object passed in the URL
🐞 Fixes
- Flywheel incompaitiblity
- WPML plugin conflict
- Missing objects/regions tables didn't let map to load
- Fixed region coloring
- Fixed "show another map" functionality in click on a directory item
- Fixed purchase code handling
- Marker clustering
- Load SVG files directly from the server if they are on the same domain, proxy request via PHP if they are on another domain
- Toggle columns visibility issues
- Delete distance filter button not working
- Clear database button not working
- Impossible to delete the last image in the "images" field
- Allow map reinitialization for systems that pre-fetch pages
This update is focused on improving the support for Custom Post Types. Finally, we've added the ability to edit the CPT location in the Classic WordPress Post Editor (previously, it was only available in the Gutenberg editor). Also, we've fixed the button that lets you choosing a map in the Classic Editor.
Besides that, we've added even more tools that help us to improve the support experience. Now the issues can be resolved much faster!
🚀 Features / Improvements
- Map/Location editor in Classic WordPress Post Editor;
🐞 Fixes
- Map choose button in the Classic Editor;
- Fixed an issue with popover not showing up on a map that has scrolling turned off;
- Fixed an issue with the map migrations crashing the plugin, for some very old maps created in v2.x versions of MapSVG;