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MapSVG always starts a new map from an SVG file - which can be a map of a country, a vector image, an SVG file with raster image inside, or an empty SVG file.

When SVG file is loaded, MapSVG finds which vector shapes of the SVG file should be made clickable.

Those shapes become Regions in MapSVG.


Regions is the list of clickable shapes of the map. Every Region has ID, title, description, images by default. You can add custom fields and edit the collection of Regions to add your custom data, that should be shown on click on a Region.

Every Region can be connected to one or many DB Objects

Database / DB Objects

When you want to show something on the map as markers, you need to add your data into MapSVG Database: it contains your custom DB Obejcts that can be shown on the map as Markers or can be connected to Regions and shown on click on a Region.


Directory is a menu near the map that can contain a list of Regions, or DB Objects.


Small info box shown on mouse hover over a Region or DB Object.

Details view

A larger modal window with "close" button and scroll, that can be shown on click on a Region or DB Object. Also it can be placed outside of the map in any custom container.