MapSVG tutorial

MapSVG quick start guide

Let's start off with a World map and add a few objects into the database which would be our representatives in different countries.
Database > List > Add

We've added 2 persons in USA, 1 in France and 1 in Russia.

Now turn on Tooltips: Settings > Tooltips > On.
Then edit the template: Templates > Region tooltip.

MapSVG uses the popular Handlebars templating engine.
When you need to output a custom field in a template, just wrap it with curly brackets like this:

After you add the template code try to hover the mouse pointer on the USA.
Note that tooltip is showing 2 DB Objects which we've added to the USA.

When you need to check if field is empty or not:
{{#if my_custom_field}} {{my_custom_field}} {{else}} It's empty! {{/if}}

Iterate over a set of DB objects attached to a Region:
{{#each objects}}...{{/each}}

Iterate over a set of Regions attached to a DB object:
{{#each regions}}...{{/each}}

Location field has nested properties:
{{location.address.state}} (US map only)
{{location.address.state_short}} (US map only)
{{location.address.county}} (US map only)

Image field always contains a set of images (because it is allowed to add multiple images in a single Image field),
and each image comes in 3 different sizes:
Show all images, medium size:
{{#each images}} <img src="{{medium}}" /> {{/each}}

Now let's add Tooltips to markers.
Markers are showing locations of DB Objects so this time you need to edit another template:
Templates > DB Object tooltip.
After you add the template code try to hover the mouse pointer on any marker.

Let's turn on Popovers.
Actions > Region click > Show popover (check)
Then copy Region tooltip template code you've added earlier to Region popover template.
After that try to click on any region:

Let's turn on Popovers for markers.
Actions > Marker click > Show popover (check)
Copy the DB Object tooltip template code you've added earlier to DB Object popover template.
After that try to click on any marker:

Now let's try to show a Details View instead of popovers.
Turn off Popovers: Actions > Region click > Show popover (uncheck)
Turn on Details View: Actions > Region click > Show details view (check)
Copy the Region Popover template to Region Details View template.
After that try to click on any region:

Turn on the Details View for markers too the same way:

Now let's add a Directory.
Directory is located in the left sidebar by default so first you need to show the left sidebar:
Settings > Containers > Left sidebar: On
Now turn on the Directory:
Directory > Directory: On
Please note what source for the Directory is chosen now: it's "Database" -
which means Directory will be filled with 4 objects we've added to the Database earlier.
Currently the Directory is empty because we need to add a template
and tell MapSVG what we need to show in the Directory, so let's move to the next step and do that.

Add the template: Templates > Directory item template
Since we've chosen "Database" as the source of our Directory, all DB Object fields are
available in the Directory item template:

Turn on Details View for click on a Directory Item:
Actions > Directory item click > Show details view (check)
Now try to click on any of the Directory items.

Now instead of DB Objects let's show a list or countries in the Directory.
Change the Directory source: Directory > Source: Regions
Set Sort by: title, Sort order: A..Z
Directory becomes empty again because we need to change the template.
Let's move to the next step and do that.

Since we've chosen "Regions" as the Directory source - DB Object fields are not available
in the Directory item template anymore.
Change the template to {{title}} (which is a Region field) to show country names.

Keep in mind the following important thing about the Details View when it's shown on click on a Directory Item:
When Directory > Source: Regions is chosen, Region Details view template is loaded.
When Directory > Source: Database is chosen, DB Object Details view template is loaded.

That's all!
In next tutorials we'll learn how to add Filters, Search, CSS and JavaScript event handlers.
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