How MapSVG works

MapSVG has 3 main kind of objects that interact with each other:

  1. SVG file (or SVG file overlayed on top of Google Map)
  2. Regions: array of objects that represents active Regions of the map, with user-defined custom fields. A Region can have one or many custom DB Objects. List of Regions can be shown in the Directory near the map.
  3. Db Objects: array of custom object that can be shown on a map as Markers. Custom DB Object can be attached to one or many Regions, so users can filter results and show DB Object that belong to a certain Region. List of DB Objects can be shown in the Directory near the map.

Regions and DB Objects can have custom fields. You can add those fields to MapSVG Templates, which will be converted to a formatted HTML that can be shown in 4 kinds of containers:

  1. Tooltip, small info box that is shown on mouseover
  2. Popover, small pop-up that is shown on click/touch
  3. Details view, large info box that is shown on click/touch. Usually it covers the whole map area. Also it can be placed outside of the map in any custom container.
  4. Directory item, item of the menu that containes clickable list of Regions or DB Objects.